I hope you've all had a great week! I spent most of mine working on some freelance writing work as well as the zero draft of my next middle grade novel--it's a monster book, and has been great fun to write! What are you all working on?
Book Recommendation: One of my very favorites of recent years is Scary Stories for Young Foxes, by Christian McKay Heideker. I was so thrilled when it won the Newbery! Check it out!
Hi friends! Are you at all interested in illustration or comics drawing? Personally, I'm a writer first and foremost, but I have always been interested in illustrated chapter books, picture books, and graphic novels. As writers, having those skills simply opens up additional opportunities, right? So the last few months I've really been diving in to it. I've never taken an art class and don't feel like I'm ever going to be a great artist, but here's the key to all this, that I learned from the amazing graphic novelist and illustrator, Jarod Rosello: your art doesn't have to be great, it just has to communicate. I feel like that idea freed me from the constraints of feeling like I actually had to be good at this, ha! And since then, I've been going through a lot of tutorials on the site 21-Draw, and they have been incredibly helpful. So if you're interested in being able to open more writing opportunities for yourself with some art communication skills, I recommend it to you!
Writing Villains: This is what always happens when I write villains--
My Kitty is Named After My Favorite Star Trek Character:
Book Recommendation: Speaking of Jarod Rosello, may I recommend to you his fantastic middle grade graphic novel series? It's adorable and so much fun!
What a game! That's about as tight as it gets. Ups and downs, twists and turns, cheers and heartbreak for both sides. So what can we writers take from that game?
It's not over till it's over.
I think in a lot our writing lives, we might feel like Chief's fans at halftime. Down ten points, and our QB has a bum ankle. Maybe this is us when we think we're finally getting that agent offer, but it's a no go. Maybe this is after we've published a few books and things start to fizzle. Maybe this is our editor leaving the business. So what do we do? Come out after half-time with throwing arms cocked and ready and a determination nothing can stop. Keep on keeping in. It's not over until you say it's over.
When Social Media feels like a Heartless Void
When Your Muse Leaves You To Work By Yourself
Book Recommendation: This absolute stunner by Cindy Baldwin comes out next week, so preorder yourself a copy now!