Anyway. Yesterday was a bit of a rest day at my roommies folks house in Arizona. We went to church with them and the lesson in Sunday School was about Jesus' parables in Matthew 13. That's the parable of the sower, which in a meta way, is a parable about parables. This is where Jesus talks about why He teaches in parables in the first place.
It made me think about storytelling and art in general. Of any kind. Movies, music, theater. The people who listened to Christ's parables all came away with a different experience and individual lesson, and its the same when we read a book in a book club or go with friends to a movie. We're sitting next to them, yes, but nobody in the theater is really watching the same thing.
Here's what I think: whether or not a person believes in a universal truth, art is meant to convey Truth. Even if the artist is only trying to convey their own personal truths, if they are genuine and honest, others will relate to it. They will learn something. And another reader or viewer will relate to it in a completely different way, and learn something of their own.
But you know, for all the times we're told not to be didactic or overt, I don't think Christ's parables or any art for that matter would carry as much meaning. We're not trying to force our opinions on anybody, but that's different than having a voice, having something to say, and defending what you believe in. And I don't think that's a bad thing at all.
Sarah Allen
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