From Sarah, With Joy

*Poet * Author * Wanderluster*


Thursday, November 6, 2014

Teaching Myself To Draw

Ok, so I'm not really drawing. I feel like that's probably too lofty of a term for my doodling. But as someone who wants to write in basically every format--definitely including picture books, comics, and perhaps even graphic novels--I feel like some basic illustrating/cartooning skills would be a good idea. This is not a natural area for me, but I want to expand my range, so I'm giving it a shot. I figure why not? So I'm putting myself on a practice regimen.

I love the childlike quality, humor, and story in every drawing from Ally Brosch. I love the spot on humor in both the language and comics from cartoonists like Gary Larson and Jim Unger. Obviously I will never be even close to the realm of these folks, but if I can have fun playing with that kind of thing and a few other people enjoy it too, I will consider my goal accomplished. I want to tell stories in every way possible, and make people smile and laugh.

So I'm working at it.

Don't worry. I won't be subjecting you to all my practice scratchings. I simply wanted to prove to myself that I am really doing this, and really putting it out there. We'll see how this turns out.

Are you working on any indirectly-but-still-writing-related projects?

Sarah Allen

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  1. I like the first one best - it has a lot of personality.

    1. Aww, thanks :) I really appreciate it. I want to make my characters quirky and memorable.

  2. These are really cute! Like Alex, I like the first one best. As for me? I paint and draw now and then, but writing is really my thing. I have been considering illustrating a collection of stories I wrote, although I'm afraid that would take too much time away from my writing. Have to think about it some more.

    1. Thank you!! Writing is my thing too, but I'm looking for ways to enhance and expand that, so that occasionally means sketching. You could hire an illustrator! I know what you mean about taking time away from writing...that's why right now I'm focusing more just on sketching, and very small projects. We'll see how it goes :)

  3. Love your cartoons and I think your talent is growing. keep it up! I am good at biological and anatomical drawings but have never put any out there!

    1. Thank you! I hope its growing, guess we'll see. I honestly don't care about making beautiful art, my goal is to bring quirk and humor and personality, and I'm trying to get enough skill to do that. Thanks for your kind words!

  4. Love your drawings! I'm a big fan of Quinton Blake's illustrations...full of whimsy, just like yours :)

    1. Love Quentin Blake!! And that kind of quirky whimsy is exactly what I'm trying to go for, but I'm still building up my skill enough to really pull it off.

  5. Sketched with such character! Wonderful!

    There are Christmas quilt projects calling for me...

    1. Thank you! Character is what I'm going for. And Christmas quilts sound super fun!


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