From Sarah, With Joy

*Poet * Author * Wanderluster*


Monday, November 10, 2014

How Small Projects Can Get You Through The Dry Spells

I am incredibly honored today to be posting at C.S. Lakin's wonderfully inspiring blog for writers, Live, Write, Thrive. I am over there giving some ideas about smaller projects and how they can be especially beneficial during the times when our big novel projects aren't quite cooperating. Check it out and be sure to comment!

We will be back to our regularly scheduled writing advice/blog spotlights/submission opportunities next Monday.


  1. What an interesting post that was, Sarah - and I couldn't agree more! I'm at the 59,000 words stage of my first full-length novel, which is in it's fourth full draft and has taken *ahem* number of years to get there, and I took time out in the summer to polish and publish a short story collection, and I also blog about any number of subjects which take my fancy in between times. And I always go back to The Book feeling invigorated. I think having short breaks is every bit as essential as following the urge to write flat out and ignore everything else that comes upon us at other times. As for the 'You might also like...' links above, yes, I think I probably will...! Nice to 'meet' you!

  2. Awesome, Sarah! Will go check it out! Intrigued.

  3. Will take a visit to that site. I need a bit of wake-up-now.


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