From Sarah, With Joy

*Poet * Author * Wanderluster*


Monday, March 25, 2019


Guys I don't even have words right now.

I will come back here at some point and do a whole post about getting my agent, how the deal went down, what its been like, and all that. But for right now I just have to say I am so, so grateful. Grateful for every person whose supported me or taught me, online or irl, for my friends and family and everyone who's let me go after this and never told me my dream was unrealistic. I really almost can't believe that I get to do this thing.

You guys are awesome! And of course, keep writing!



I absolutely love hearing from you! Thank you so, so much for your thoughts and comments, they really do make my day. Consider yourself awesome. Also, I do my best to respond to every comment within 24 hours, so I invite you to come back and continue the conversation :)

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