From Sarah, With Joy

*Poet * Author * Wanderluster*


Monday, May 30, 2016

Anagramatically Speaking and YA Call for Submissions

Anagrammatically Speaking

What’s in a name?
Another name?
A mirror?
The law waiting to be wealth?
It worries me
That education can mean cautioned
Or worse, be auctioned. A simple idea count.

The Word may indeed have the power to warn.
But what do you make of abortion?
A bio torn?
I rob a ton?
Brain too?

Something strikes me as true
About using a thing to describe itself.
Parliament is, after all, a collection of partial men.
A politician becomes too easily a coil in a pit.
And the US of A is a hot fuse.

From the words In God We Trust we borrow tutored wings.
But when we say America, we also say I am race.

Sometimes the words tell us what we already know:
Internet chat rooms are where the morons interact.
A dangerous situation puts us near God.
Even a great organization might just be a training zoo.

It’s what names say that frightens me
With the accuracy:
Clint Eastwood was destined to personify old west action.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born a famous German waltz god.
And William Shakespeare’s name prophesied I’ll make a wise phrase.
Could President Abraham Lincoln have done anything
Other than end Americans’ ill-born path?

What does it say if all I can make of my name
is nasal healer?
And what if a poetry writer

Is just a petty worrier? 


Writing Prompt: What type of magic system could you create with anagrams? Any ideas?

Call for Submissions: Well known and well respected YA magazine, Cicada, has a new call for submissions on the theme of "Duality and Doppelgangers." Due on June 20.

Read More: Check out Writer Unboxed great post on how writers can best use video marketing and networking.

Weekly Awesome: Have you guys heard this poem? Because seriously take the few minutes out of your day and watch. It is stunning.

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Write on!


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