From Sarah, With Joy

*Poet * Author * Wanderluster*


Monday, May 30, 2016

Anagramatically Speaking and YA Call for Submissions

Anagrammatically Speaking

What’s in a name?
Another name?
A mirror?
The law waiting to be wealth?
It worries me
That education can mean cautioned
Or worse, be auctioned. A simple idea count.

The Word may indeed have the power to warn.
But what do you make of abortion?
A bio torn?
I rob a ton?
Brain too?

Something strikes me as true
About using a thing to describe itself.
Parliament is, after all, a collection of partial men.
A politician becomes too easily a coil in a pit.
And the US of A is a hot fuse.

From the words In God We Trust we borrow tutored wings.
But when we say America, we also say I am race.

Sometimes the words tell us what we already know:
Internet chat rooms are where the morons interact.
A dangerous situation puts us near God.
Even a great organization might just be a training zoo.

It’s what names say that frightens me
With the accuracy:
Clint Eastwood was destined to personify old west action.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born a famous German waltz god.
And William Shakespeare’s name prophesied I’ll make a wise phrase.
Could President Abraham Lincoln have done anything
Other than end Americans’ ill-born path?

What does it say if all I can make of my name
is nasal healer?
And what if a poetry writer

Is just a petty worrier? 


Writing Prompt: What type of magic system could you create with anagrams? Any ideas?

Call for Submissions: Well known and well respected YA magazine, Cicada, has a new call for submissions on the theme of "Duality and Doppelgangers." Due on June 20.

Read More: Check out Writer Unboxed great post on how writers can best use video marketing and networking.

Weekly Awesome: Have you guys heard this poem? Because seriously take the few minutes out of your day and watch. It is stunning.

For more frequent updates, writing tips, and funnies, follow on FacebookTwitterGoogle+
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Write on!


Monday, May 23, 2016

Piano Lessons and an Animal Themed Call for Submissions

So I decided to go a little romancy today. I gotta say, I had so much fun with this :)

His arms reached around me, fingers set softly on the keyboard. His breath warmed my ear and he smelled like mouthwash and dryer sheets. What piece was I learning again?

“Like this,” he said, fingers trickling up the keys like shivers on a spine. “Start the scale with your second finger.”

He stayed bent over me while I placed my hands on the keyboard. I placed my fingers where his had been, played what he played. Up and down these keys, these strings, these vertebrae.

“Very good,” he said.


Writing Prompt: This is more of a reading/writerlife type prompt--but here it is: when was the last time you gave a young boy a book with a female protagonist? We give "boy books" to girls all the time, and so its completely skewed. So my challenge is, next time you're giving a boy a book, give him one featuring a *gasp* girl.

Call for Submissions: Lackington's is a speculative fiction magazine paying $50 for stories on the theme "Animals."

Read More: 3 Writing Tips from Beyonce from The Write Practice because why the heck not?

Weekly Awesome: Ok, you guys have all seen The Lizzie Bennet diaries on YouTube, right? Because IF NOT:

For more frequent updates, writing tips, and funnies, follow on FacebookTwitterGoogle+
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Write on!


Monday, May 9, 2016

In These Chambers and a Call for Speculative Short Fiction

In These Chambers

Here's the empty room in my heart.
I've been saving it, if needed, for you.
Please ignore the worm, he's just clearing
corners for you to crawl in to.
Did you bring a chair?
I'm sorry I'm so unprepared.
Usually its just me in here, listening
to gnawing sounds.
Sometimes I hum but when the notes make
the rounds off the chamber walls and echo
back to me, it just makes the place seem
But here's an open atrium, if you like.
You can't see the stars from here,
but maybe with the two of us in here
we can count blood cells whooshing by instead.
Maybe we look out of each other rather
than out of windows.
I am out of windows.
If we get trapped in here, I'm sorry, but please
come in anyway. It's not tidy,
but I've turned the heat up
and I think it will be warm soon. It's taken
a long time to fit it in, but if you
will just step this way, there's a place
to hang your hat.

Writing Prompt: I admit this poem was inspired by this Billy Joel song. What is the most inspiring song to you, and what would the first line of your spin off poem be?

Call for Submissions: Shimmer Magazine is accepting speculative short fiction until May 31st. Send in your best stuff!

Read More: Read this great post from Anne R. Allen about how new writers can sabotage their careers before they even get started.

Weekly Awesome: This is an amazing and possibly life-changing talk. More than worth your time.

For more frequent updates, writing tips, and funnies, follow on FacebookTwitterGoogle+
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Write on!


Monday, May 2, 2016

Me as a Cop and a New Young Adult Agent

I think comic writers and artists are some of the most underrated and talented artists alive. Like, Gary Larson blows my mind. So I tried my hand, and had a good time! Something I want to work and get better at. Hope you enjoy!

Me as a Cop:

Writing Prompt: Imagine you're writing a story about comic book artists. What is their star superhero's name and power?

New Agent: Alexandra Weiss seeks YA and MG.

Read More: Great advice for new writers from the incomparable Chuck Wendig.

Weekly Awesome: You just gotta see this :)

For more frequent updates, writing tips, and funnies, follow on FacebookTwitterGoogle+
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Write on!
