From Sarah, With Joy

*Poet * Author * Wanderluster*


Monday, May 4, 2015

Blogging: Have We Heard This All Before?

I've been doing some thinking lately about the best functions and purposes of a blog in current social media trends. I think blogs are just as vital as ever, though perhaps for different reason's than they once were, and I'll get to that. But I can I just complain about it for a second? I could use your guys opinions.

First, blogs just aren't the "thing" anymore. At least that's the impression I'm getting in my web usage. It seems to me that so many users don't have the attention span for even a short blog post anymore, and the new social media sites are reflecting that. We have the quick and visual Instagram over Facebook, and six second Vine videos in addition to YouTube. People don't have the attention for a five paragraph blog essay. (But we do it anyway, right? :)

Mostly though, I'm starting to feel redundant again. I started this blog as a writing blog, and I LOVE talking about writing and hearing about writing and hearing from you guys about your writing projects, and I do want to continue providing as much useful information and tips for you guys about writing that I can. But the thing is, when you've got 600 posts about writing in your archive, you start feeling like you've got nothing new to say. And I know so many of you amazing bloggers have a big chunk even more then that. (Props. Serious props.)

And like I said, I think blogs are still very important. They may not be the go to "thing" anymore, but they still provide one of the best options for what is essentially your internet "home" address. They're the place you can point people. They're your gathering ground.

So now I want to ask you guys. What do you think is the solution? Is this just me being petulant? What other functions do you see for author blogs? 

Sarah Allen

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  1. I've been blogging for over five years and while there have been changes, it's still the best option for an author. It does depend on what you are blogging about though. I've become an entertainment blog, with movies, music, and books. Which is cool, as I can promote my fellow authors' works. Blogging daily - outside of the A to Z Challenge, that's just not as important as it once was.

  2. Well I do blog daily and apart from a recipe, I write about what I am thinking or feeling at the time. I enjoy other people's blogs but do find some of them are way too long. Not that mine is exactly short I guess.

  3. I blog regularly, but not daily. I can see that if you're just talking about one thing, you do run out eventually. ;-) My blog is a book blog, dedicated mostly to children's and YA, with some SF and fantasy for adults as well, a bit of crime fiction and historical fiction. I do reviews and interviews, some guest posts from writers. When I can't think of anything else, I do an On This Day meme, with events out of history that interest me, mostly those that are about books and writing, and comment on some of them. I enjoy mentioning quirky holidays. Plenty to do if you vary it.

  4. PS I also think that author blogs keep your name out there and make it possible for your readers to find you if they want.

  5. I know exactly what you're saying and I find that the posts I write about writing have way fewer views than the ones I write about other things. I think this is because most people come to the blog through my facebook page, so they are people I know and not necessarily interested in writing. Like you, I am pondering the way forward...

  6. I've been thinking about this myself. But I really don't know what to think or say.

  7. I've been blogging for 8 years (8 years?!), and while mine initially started out with a serious emphasis on my writing journey, now the emphasis is more on what I do and what I experience throughout my day/week/month, with writing coming up the rear as a good change of pace.

    I agree with a commenter above me that blogging is a great way to keep your name out there, especially when you post links to your fave social media sites.

    Father Nature's Corner

  8. Although I see twitter as the new fast media, blogs are still a way to talk about your books, put out your writings - shorts, flash fiction, memoir - and do that for others as well. My reading is pretty much all books recommended by other bloggers.
    Don't stop Sarah - just as the extraordinary explosion in self published books seems to be leveling off, perhaps blogging is too - it will just be a part of regular life now!

  9. Well not all young people take part in that ancient practice well blogging. I'm young and I spend most of my time on social media. Like YouTube Facebook and all the big eaters. Blogging seems like a very important part of your career. So if you want to keep an audience keep at it. But if you want a bigger one think bigger or do something to grab there attention.

    You can ask young people that words really don't matter more to them than facts that give in a moments notices. Videos give more rhetoric and evidence that is easier to process. Plus the whole face to face conversations are a bit more entertaining. Maybe you should invest in a YouTube channel or think of more ambitious ideas that have been done yet to get the audience your looking fors attention.

    But keep the blog! It's working good for you now but sooner or later those same viewers are going to drift away. Think bigger and more ambitious ideas that you can make an investment out of. Make better stories that are attractive to your type audience or find a way to grab that bigger audience but using better tactics to get there attention.

    But in all good luck in finding your silver lining.

  10. you're right, people don't blog as much as they used to. I actually do not like social media and will not participate in it unless I have to. I still like blogs and I still post to my blog. as for what a blog is good for, well, that's a matter of opinion.

    I think an author's blog is simply a place to go if you want to know about the author and their books. and book excerpts but those seems to be scarce and most are scattered around on other sites. as long as they don't change their blog to something no one can relate to, I'm fine with anything.

    hope you have a lovely day.

  11. I have no idea if my blog is relevant, especially as an author's blog. I started out writing about writing and mysteries and such, but somehow morphed into my current once a week "funnies" that my small band of followers tell me they enjoy. Not exactly connected. So I've been asking myself, where do I go from here?


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