From Sarah, With Joy

*Poet * Author * Wanderluster*


Thursday, February 26, 2015

I Finished Novel Number 3!!!

It happened! It's done!!! Novel number three has about 62000 words complete with a big old THE END at THE END.

So yeah, feeling this :)

This novel still is yet to be titled. However it is another YA novel about a 15 year old named Gertrude. She collects albino taxidermy and has panic attacks. The romantic interest is a Samoan boy named Lani, who serenades/teases her with Disney songs.

Much editing ahead of me, but I'm one of those who finds the editing process easier than the drafting. (Those of you who draft quick and easy--I envy you.) But yay! This novel is done and shall be edited and out to beta readers hopefully very soon.

On to the next project!

Sarah Allen

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  1. Congratulations, Sarah. I know that feeling, and I couldn't help laughing at that GIF with the dancing dog. LOL.

  2. Congratulations! I agree - editing is easier and more enjoyable.

  3. Wow! I cannot imagine the hours and thinking that went into finishing a novel. But, three?
    Congratulations, indeed!

  4. Congrats! Have a great weekend. It's a nice feeling. :)

  5. Congrats! Oh what a feeling. I'm one of the fast drafters and hate editing. But I also get distracted easily, which means I end up drafting a tone of stuff from different things very quickly. Oy veh!


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