From Sarah, With Joy

*Poet * Author * Wanderluster*


Thursday, July 24, 2014

New Blog Schedule


So I've been considering and thinking and pondering about this for a long time.

I have been blogging since 2009. The community I've discovered (i.e. you guys) is absolutely incredible. Perhaps the most incredible part of my writing journey so far. I have no intention of ever leaving, no matter what anyone says about blogging being "dead."

But I feel the need for something more. I don't want my blog to simply be a platform for other things, I want it to provide value in and of itself. And obviously that's what every blogger tries to do--provide entertainment and value. For a long time now I've been trying to think of a way to up that. To make this blog a better resource and a better creative outlet.

And so I'm taking a lesson from one of my favorite bloggers, Anne R. Allen. (No relation. Unfortunately.) I have thought about this for a long time, and decided that in the case of this blog, less may in fact be more. I feel that sometimes in trying to keep up a daily or every-other-daily schedule, I end up with quantity more than quality.

That's not what I want. So from this point on, we are switching to a once a week schedule. I will be posting every Monday. And, like Anne's posts, the slower schedule will help me put up more in depth posts and valuable resources. It will allow me to hopefully create things that are really worth checking out, as opposed to quickie whatevers every day.

In other words, I'm hoping to give you much more researched and thought out posts. And these posts will also include a round-up of some of the best blog posts of the week, as well as spotlighting contests and submission opportunities.

I should add that I have another idea cooking that may bring us back up to twice a week posts. But if that does eventually happen, writing posts will still be on Mondays, and this something different will be...something different. So stay tuned.

I hope this ends up working out best for new readers, future readers, and those of you who've stuck with me for a long time. I really think it will. Any thoughts or suggestions or ideas about all this? Your feedback is very important to me. Like I said, I really think this will take us up a notch, and I'm kind of excited at the kinds of things this new schedule will make possible.

So folks? I'll see you on Monday :)



  1. I only post once a week. I can pack more in that way. Sounds good to me!

  2. The most important, Sarah, is that this is good for you! I unfortunately don't have a schedule - I should - but I think i average out to 1-2 times a week. Something to work on. All the best with this new schedule!

  3. I love your blog! I can definitely relate to the need for a writing schedule which is something I've been thinking about lately. I love the direction you're taking.

  4. Hi Sarah, I have been following your blog for quite some time. I love it! I will definitely miss your daily posts, but I'm sure the Monday posts will be fantastic. :) And I'm excited to find out about the "something else!"

    1. So good to hear from you :D Yeah, I will definitely miss a more frequent schedule, but I think this will bring some good things, and more daily stuff can be focused at like, Facebook and Twitter and Pinterest and Tumblr :)

      Sarah Allen
      (From Sarah, With Joy)

  5. Whatever works best for you. Personally, I'm three day a week, no more and sometimes less.

    Father Nature's Corner


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