From Sarah, With Joy

*Poet * Author * Wanderluster*


Friday, May 30, 2014

Paying Gigs, John Noble, and The Fault In Our Stars

I've recently started journaling again. I haven't written a journal in long hand since I was about twelve, but I bought a beautiful red notebook at Barnes and Noble and have had a great time. I started typing my journals years ago because typing is just so much faster and I get impatient. But jotting down a few notes with a pen every evening before bed has been really...well, therapeutic.

Can I just say, John Noble is amazing? He is completely mesmerizing. His voice is totally unique and I could listen to him talk all day. I also love real life with paranormal twist plots. Can you tell I've been watching Fringe?

I've been doing a lot of research lately on venues that pay authors. This includes blogs, ezines, magazines, etc. I've found a ton of great speculative fiction magazines, some great writing blogs, all sorts of great venues. After a bit more research I'll do a post all about it. Because I think whether we're working on making a living as a writer or just looking to supplement our income doing something we love, paying venues are a good thing to be aware of.

So, The Fault In Our Stars movie comes out this week and I am a little bit freaking out already. Roommate and I have tickets to the big Thursday night event, and I can't wait! I am prepared to sob my eyes out and love it.

Other than that, it's Friday. You know what that means?
Write on!

Sarah Allen


  1. Have fun. I hope the film adaptation lives up to your expectations.

    1. I hope so too! I've only heard great things, so I have high hopes.

  2. Wasn't Walter/John Noble amazing! He became the only reason for me to watch Fringe.

    1. Totally :) And actually, he did such a good job at being that character that my roommate had to look over my shoulder adn be like, "hey, its Denathor" before I recognized him from LOTR. John Noble is now one of the top on my underrated actors list :)

  3. I'll be interested in the sites you find for paying gigs. In the meantime, I like keeping a longhand journal, too. I do all my serious writing on my computer, but when I write poetry or feel like writing something from the heart, something expressive, longhand seems to have a very special effect.

    1. Yeah, journaling has been great. I'll have to compile the research I've done and make a separate page here on the blog. So stay tuned!

  4. I look forward to your review of the movie - I'm reluctant to see it for fear it will be too maudlin.

    1. Yeah, we'll see how it goes. I'll put my thoughts, probably as the Friday post :)

  5. John Noble is awesome. His voice is mesmerizing. I'm also a big Fringe fan.


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