From Sarah, With Joy

*Poet * Author * Wanderluster*


Thursday, April 24, 2014

U is for Urinetown

Yes, Urinetown the Musical is a real thing.

I know every family has their own sort of culture, including what music they listen to, whether it be jazz or classical or 80s rock. We had a bit of those things, but in my house, it was Broadway. (Also twelve-year old boy humor, so...there you go.)

Before I knew the words to anything I knew the words to Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. I saw my first Broadway show (Cats) in Salt Lake City when I was probably seven or eight. This is all due to the fact that my mom is the most true-blue brand of theater geek there is. Some of us (me) adore theater and loved having show tunes playing all the time, and some of us (my brothers) did not. Whatever my teenage brothers think, Stephen Sondheim is one of the greatest living writers, period.

Anyway. Urinetown. I have a horrible memory for relative time so I couldn't tell you when or where it was that I saw it, but was probably about a decade ago (geez its been a long time) and probably either in Salt Lake or Los Angeles. I know, I'm terrible. But guys, let me just tell you. It was awesome.

The premise of Urinetown is this: Due to a water shortage everyone must pay to pee, and you can get arrested and sent to "Urinetown" for peeing anywhere other than the paid, public toilets.

That's it. Seriously. And as you can probably guess it is an irreverent, low-brow, hilarious romp. And the cool thing is, at the Tony Awards 7 years ago (which I guess means I saw it sometime that year, not ten years ago?) they put together the best song from the show with some of the funniest clips that totally pokes fun at itself. This clip features the band of rebels fighting for the freedom to pee for all, and the officer whose job it is to arrest them.

I know Broadway isn't everybody's thing, but just give this a shot. I'm betting you'll get a good laugh.

What music did your family listen to?

Sarah Allen


  1. That is one heck of a storyline. I drink enough water in day that I'd soon be broke.

    1. I know, right? At the very least these people are creative :)

  2. Must have missed this one, Sarah, but the premise is really funny. My folks likes musicals but were really into big band music, which has found its way to my iPod.

    1. Love Big Band!! If you haven't already, check out the album Somewhere Out There by Airmen of Note. So good!!

  3. Wow, I can't imagine really wanting to see that. Just the word on its own "urine" is so ... yucky. ;-)

    But then I thought it was a play on You're In Town! Guess not. Nice choice for U day!

    Visiting via A to Z from Pass the Sour Cream. Co-Author (with my sons) of The Secret of Kite Hill.

    1. Yeah :) And I think it is also meant to be a pun, which makes me like it even more :) It is a bit yucky, but its hilarious yucky :)

  4. Wow, I can't imagine really wanting to see that. Just the word on its own "urine" is so ... yucky. ;-)

    But then I thought it was a play on You're In Town! Guess not. Nice choice for U day!

    Visiting via A to Z from Pass the Sour Cream. Co-Author (with my sons) of The Secret of Kite Hill.

  5. Every year, my friend and I try to guess what musical our high school will do, and I think that I'm going to have to suggest Urinetown. I've never seen it, though! Now I'm definitely going to have to. :)

  6. Just stopping by from the A-Z Challeneg list to say "Hi" and well done for getting this far! Good luck with the rest of the challenge...we're on the home stretch!

    Ha ha ha...EWWWWW! lol Great post xx

    1. Thanks for stopping by!! Hope to see you around again, best of luck to you too :)

  7. Scary title for a musical, but then again, similar in vein to the issue in Singapore when it comes to spitting.

    A-Z Challenge at Father Nature's Corner

    1. It is a bit scary, but they make fun of themselves basically the whole show, which adds to the hilarity :)

  8. Awesome post!

    Please visit my blog,

    I'm also participating in the A-Z Challenge and my theme features books and their titles, which will begin with the letter of the day.

  9. The title did throw me off the track a bit, but the post was interesting. Good luck for the rest of the challenge. You're so close!

    And, thanks for stopping by my blog :-)

    1. Yeah, it is a pretty terrible title, isn't it? But they make fun of themselves for it, and its pretty funny :)

  10. I love Broadway shows and have made converts out of most of the family but I've never had the chance to see Urinetown. Obviously, my loss.

    1. I know the title can be a little off-putting but if you ever do get the chance, it's a fun one :)


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