From Sarah, With Joy

*Poet * Author * Wanderluster*


Monday, January 6, 2014

10 Questions for YOU

It seems I have a lot of, you could say, survey type questions to ask you guys. Numerous and varied, actually. I am fascinated by behavioral trends and opinions. So I'm just going to go ahead and ask them, if that's alright by you.

No rules, just answer as many as you feel like answering.

1. Top 3 (or more) favorite blogs?
2. Are there any YouTube channels you watch regularly?
3. Are there any Facebook Fan pages you visit regularly?
4. On which social media site do you spend most of your time? What specifically do you use that site for?
6. Do you generally prefer more personal or business oriented blog posts?
7. Which magazines do you subscribe to, if any?
8. Do you use Instagram or Vine?
9. What book are you currently reading and where did you hear about it?
10. Friends or Seinfeld?

Don't be shy. I love hearing from you, and would love every visitor to leave me as many answers as they feel comfortable with. Looking forward to seeing what you all have to say!

Sarah Allen

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  1. I'm reading The Given Day by Dennis Lehane and if you only read one book in 2014, it should be this one. It's so wonderful, when I'm done I might even write a review on my blog, which I don't often do.

    Happy New Year.

  2. 1.

    seriously i could list a ton...

    2. not really i do listen to a lot of music there though

    3. nope, got off FB a couple years ago

    4. kinda off that bandwagon a bit....i guess blogger

    5. no, but i will now.

    6. personal

    7. hit or miss...i usually peruse the newsstand once a week...mostly published writing...

    8. nope

    9. octavia butler's lilith's brood series---on a blog...ha

    10. Seinfeld

  3. What a fun post. Okay, here we go:

    1. Top 3 (or more) favorite blogs?
    Too many to list. I generally prefer horror blogs, lifestyle blogs, writers' blogs and blogs about animals.

    2. Are there any YouTube channels you watch regularly?

    3. Are there any Facebook Fan pages you visit regularly?

    4. On which social media site do you spend most of your time? What specifically do you use that site for?
    Mainly Facebook, Pinterest and StumbleUpon, but also Twitter and Google+. They're all for personal AND professional use.


    6. Do you generally prefer more personal or business oriented blog posts?

    7. Which magazines do you subscribe to, if any?
    Mad Movies (a French magazine about horror movies).

    8. Do you use Instagram or Vine?

    9. What book are you currently reading and where did you hear about it?
    The Doubly by José Sarramago. Last year, I saw the film adaptation at the Sitges Film Festival and it was my favorite film of the year. It was only natural to read the novel too.

    10. Friends or Seinfeld?

  4. Favorite blogs would be tough! I visit so many awesome ones. Social media is easy - blogging. I get Entertainment Weekly and PC Gamer on my iPad. And will always pick Seinfeld.

  5. 1. I like PublishingCrawl, Natalie Whipple's blog (she's so honest!) and Secret Life Of Writers.
    2. I watch YouTube for work (yes, best job ever) so I watch A LOT. My faves are KickThePJ, JacksGap, and Vlogbrothers (obvi). What about you?
    3. None, don't use FB for that.
    4. Twitter to stay updated on everything (pop culture, writing, news, whathaveyou).
    6. Both
    7. None :/
    8. Instagram totes.
    9. I just got 9 books out of the library... so it all depends. Usually blogs and goodreads.
    10. Neither (don't hate me!)

  6. 1. Too many to choose from.
    2. No, tend to browse youtube.
    3. Not on FB.
    4. Blogger, twitter (mainly to retweet lonks ot writing posts), tumblr (same content as my blogger but different audience).
    5. Not yet.
    6. I like posts about writing, books, movies etc. Don't really care about recipes or holiday reports.
    7. None.
    8. Nope, too much of a time suck, better to not get involved.
    9. Dr Sleep by Stephen King. Sequel to The Shining so thought I'd give it a go.
    10. I like both but probably Seinfeld?

    Moody Writing

  7. Twitter is definitely my go-to social media. Yes, I've seen S3:E1 of Sherlock (SQUEE!). I follow Amy Plum's FB fan page religiously. I don't subscribe to magazines (that's what the internet's for!). Friends, always Friends.

  8. 1. Way too hard to pick! I'll just pick... YOU! :D
    2. Yes, it's called Eat Your Kimchi and it's about Korean culture. Not a book youtuber fan.
    3. If someone posts something and I like, I'll respond. I don't specifically go to anyone's pages, but that's becasue I'm following too many. If I was a HUGE fan, I would go and check updates, but I think the best bet is to just post and see how people respond :)
    4. I spend more time on blogger becasue it takes longer, but I like Facebook the best, it's easy to use :)
    5. NOOO!!! I'm going to though, so excited!
    6. Personal :)
    7. None.
    8. I think I'm too old for those ^_^
    9. "Since you Asked" I heard about it from Peggy Eddleman, but I mostly picked it up because it said it was about a Korean American... haha :)
    10. Seinfeld, hands down.

  9. Most don't apply as much to me sadly, but here goes!

    1. My friends' blogs (those are the only ones I read).
    2. JustBSing. I listen to the station for The Piano Guys.
    3. Nope.
    4. Facebook, keeping in touch.
    5. Nope again...
    6. I like both! I guess my preference would depend on the scenario.
    7. None now, but Nat Geo someday.
    8. Neither :p
    9. Emotional Intelligence; my old supervisor recommended it. I'm also rereading Les Mis on the side.
    10. I've always liked both but haven't really watched a ton of either... So I'll have to toss a coin. :-)

  10. 1. Can't narrow down the blogs.
    2. Kid President
    3. Nope
    4. Facebook - connecting with friends
    5. My kids are totally hooked on Sherlock, I need to catch up
    6. Personal
    7. Entertainment Weekly
    8. Instagram - just with family
    9. Days of Blood and Starlight - sequel to Daughter of Smoke and Bone
    10. Love both - but I'd have to take Seinfeld if I were stranded on a desert island

    Happy 2014, Sarah.

  11. I'll answer 2. I'm reading Sleep Compass and I frequent Facebook.

    Hugs and chocolate!

  12. Oh, can't resist this, Sarah.
    1. It really depends on the topic and blogs do change over time. Love yours at the moment :)
    2. No
    3. No
    4. Blogs related to my interests and writing goals. Facebook when family or nonblogger friends post, but I am not a fan of Facebook.
    5. No, but would like to.
    6. personal but helpful information also appreciated.
    7. None
    8. No
    9. The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater
    10. Seinfeld

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I'll give it shot.

    1} Riot Kitty (blog); Good Things Happened; Razored Zen.

    2} None.

    3} Writer's Beware.

    4} Blogger. A light presence of FB and none nowhere else.

    5} No.

    6} A mixture of both.

    7} Used to subscribe to The Weekly Standard, but that was at least a decade ago.

    8} No.

    9} Taking a break from reading. Last one I read was Eric Idle's "The Greedy Tour".

    10} Neither.

  15. 1. Nathan Bransford, Maybe Genius, Multicolored Diary

    2. Honest Trailers (hilarious)


    4. Facebook. To connect with friends.

    5. No

    6. Business, pop-culture, writing

    7. None

    8. No

    9. The Raven Boys (friends and blogs)

    10. Seinfeld

  16. Okay, I'll bite. Two days late, several dollars short, two weeks overdue...that's the story of my life. But anyway...

    1. The Paperback Writer, DIY MFA, and Bang2Write

    2. No.

    3. Anything related to writing craft, classic rock, 1970s punk, animal welfare/rescue (spec. cats).

    4. Facebook. Chat with friends, look at photos, hang out.

    5. Sherlock? The last GOOD Sherlock Anything I saw was Young Sherlock Holmes in 1984 or 1985.

    6. CRAFT oriented. I'm still in the learning phase, and want to learn as much as possible before the first query letter goes out.

    7. PC World Digital Edition.

    8. No. Neither.

    9. Writing Down The Bones. A former professor recommended it.

    10. Flip Wilson.

    Have I confused you yet? ;-)

  17. 1. Top 3 (or more) favorite blogs?;; (my crit partner)

    2. Are there any YouTube channels you watch regularly? Nah

    3. Are there any Facebook Fan pages you visit regularly? The Musketeers BBC TV Show

    4. On which social media site do you spend most of your time? All except that pinning one.

    What specifically do you use that site for? book promotion; blather; fun times

    5. HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW SHERLOCK EPISODES BECAUSE I CAN'T EVEN... not but i'm very excited about the BBC's new series based on The Three Musketeers

    6. Do you generally prefer more personal or business oriented blog posts? personal

    7. Which magazines do you subscribe to, if any? The Sunday NYT

    8. Do you use Instagram or Vine? Instagram @jmfwriter

    9. What book are you currently reading and where did you hear about it? I'm reading essayists right now for a class on the Lyrical Essay. Just finished Wedlocked by Jay Ponteri.

    10. Friends or Seinfeld? Seinfeld.


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