From Sarah, With Joy

*Poet * Author * Wanderluster*


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Social Media Accounts Turned Books

A little bit ago Mashable put out a list of 12 Social Media Accounts That Turned Into Books. This includes things like Garfield Minus Garfield, Hyperbole and a Half, and Dear Girls Above Me. Maybe you guys aren't as fascinated by all that as I am, but for some reason I think the concept of turning a Tumblr or Twitter account into a book.

I just think its a fascinating glimpse into the world of modern entertainment and communication. Stories of a guy drawing pictures of T-rex trying to do normal, every-day things with his tiny arms can become a viral sensation and then a book. I'm a little bit in awe of the people who can do this.

Most, almost all, of these are in the humor genre, but I love that this is the modern way of bringing smiles and laughter to peoples lives. So that's part of it, the humor. But there are more awe-inspiring things, like Taylor Jones who created a Tumblr where people took a new photograph over-layed in the same place as the old place, and its just beautiful.

And of course, there's an element of luck.

Do you find these things as fascinating as I do? Can you think of any blog, Tumblr, or Twitter accounts that could be turned into books?

Sarah Allen

P.S. So hopefully we're all feeling a little more generous this time of year. If you have thought at all about making any kind of tax-deductible charitable donation before the end of the year, today is the day. Project for Awesome, through YouTube, is running through the end of the day. Donate to The Foundation to Decrease World Suck (Yes, a legitimate, tax-deductible organization) and vote to decide which charitable orgainzations will receive the raised funds. Seriously, this is an amazing event and a great chance to participate in making the world a better place.


  1. I wonder if we could create an IWSG book? Something to think about...

  2. I just don't have time to explore all these cool things.

    Chocolate hugs!

  3. i have seen blogs turned into books...the most notable was out of was rather fascinating...i dunno on someone putting their twitter feed into a book....though some are very interesting....muumuuhouse, tao lin's publishing house has several stories told in twitter feed bites which is pretty cool...

  4. I know I have not been on blogger for quite a awhile. I log in and what do I see but Allie's great book born of her blog. I followed her site almost from the beginning and saw it go from nothing to close to 60,000 followers and thousands of comments/post. Both reaching the top limit allowed by Blogger.

    I saw this book in the LAX airport book store on my way back from the Philippines a couple weeks ago and had to buy. It is hilarious and great reading. I would love a chance to sit down and talk with Allie.

    If you have never read her stuff I encourage you to pick up this book and give it a read. Hell, even if you have read her...give it a read!

    Hi Sarah!!!

  5. Some people have some great ideas. Not one of them sadly.

    My charity heads towards World Wildlife Fund.

  6. Those are great! Have you heard of Sh*t my dad says?

    It's hilarious! Dear girls above me cracks me up every time.

  7. I must admit, I own the Ninja Handbook that stemmed from those Ask a Ninja videos on YouTube... LOL

  8. I think these are fascinating too. It's amazing how something can just take off like this. Alex's idea about the IWSG is fun to think about!

  9. I think it's cool! I know there was a TV show created from the Shit My Dad says Twitter. I never saw it but I could see the concept working.

    xo Jennifer

  10. Do all these gorgeous kitty/pet social media sites turning into books and other marketable stuff like calendars (Lil Bub, Grumpy Cat etc) count? So I guess humour, quirky stuff and gorgeous unique pets - and a great youtube account helps! LOL!

    Have a wonderful Christmas! Take care

  11. I admit I do laugh out loud when reading tweets. :-)

    Merry Christmas.

  12. Yeah I also find books from social media to be an interesting concept, but I think it takes a ton of work to be that interesting. :-D

  13. Very interesting. I think Alex's idea of a IWSG book would be pretty neat =)

  14. Jen Lawson (The Bloggess) started with a blog that birthed "Let's Pretend this Never Happened." That was actually what finally gave the gumption to start blogging over a year ago.
    I don't know if there will ever be a market for a book about the life and times of a Southern mid-forties Mechanical Engineer mother of a teen married woman...but if there is, I'm on it!

  15. I've heard of turning a blog into a book. I think that'd be interesting but there are a lot of posts I'd probably delete first! There's a Foundation to Decrease World Suck? Well.....they could use a lot of donations, couldn't they? Thanks!


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