From Sarah, With Joy

*Poet * Author * Wanderluster*


Thursday, November 21, 2013

Making Stop-Motion Animation With My Ipad

So, I like telling stories, even when all I have is my iPad and some socks.

I know its silly, but what do you think? I've been really gratified and pleased with the response so far, better response than I've ever gotten for videos. But I always want ideas and constructive advice, so any thoughts would be great!

Sarah Allen


  1. Cute! The glasses on the sock while he was reading was funny.

  2. Awesome! Wuthering Whites was the best =) Thanks for sharing.

  3. That was great. Technically very professional. Story-wise I felt for our MC and the quest was easy to follow and understand. Not really sure how the puns on book titles played into it, possibly I missed something there. Plenty of sight gags that worked really well.


  4. Pure entertainment and clever imagination. Felt the anguish of the lone sock.

  5. ha. def cute...and pretty cool, so you used an app for that? we will have a pad after christmas, santa is coming so i may be in for some fun...smiles.

  6. Very clever. An adorable story.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  7. I can say that is one of the cutest videos I have seen in a long time.

  8. It's the simple stuff that's the best. Having played around with this myself I would be curious to know what you used to stich the stills together.

  9. Greetings human, Sarah Allen,

    You certainly socked it to me with this video. I can most certainly see you being very "sockcessful".

    Pawsitive wishes,

    Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar!

  10. AWWWWWWWWWWWW!! This is so adorable!! Who knew socks could be this riveting!! Totally loved the reading sock with the glasses! LOL! Awwww it's brilliant! Well done you!!! Yay!!!! Take care

  11. This is great. My son wants to do stop motion. We have the software for it. We just haven't tried it out yet. Something simple like socks is a great idea.


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