From Sarah, With Joy

*Poet * Author * Wanderluster*


Monday, July 29, 2013

5 Reasons my Short Story Collection is Better than Pie

This weekend I released a short story collection, Cross-Eyed. Why spend your time with this book instead of, say, a piece of pie? Well I'll tell you.

1. It's free. Until the end of the month, the short story collection is absolutely free. Get it now, and get it instantly, while you don't have to pay for it.

2. It is multi-flavored. Choosing flavors is hard. You want apple-pie. No, pumpkin. No, pecan. In this short story collection you can have them all! Because it's a collection, there are several stories, all with their own unique flavor, and you get to enjoy them all.

3. It won't make you fat. Calorie free! Can't say that for a piece of triple-berry. And you might even read it on the treadmill...

4. It will last long-term. A piece of pie, though enjoyable, is gone once you've eaten it. It's a one time thing. My short story collection is yours forever. You can come back to it, share it, and it will never be gone.

5. It won't go bad during a nine hour car drive or three hour layover. Hopefully most of us are able to take advantage of these weeks while summer begins to wind down. While you take your trips, a piece of lemon meringue won't last in the trunk. But Cross-Eyed will. It will last your whole trip and never sour. At least, I sure hope not.

So there you have it. Reasons why you should invest in my collection instead of a piece of pie. Or maybe you might as well have both. A couple other things, before I go. First, huge, huge thank you to Alex Cavanaugh for the blog shout-out today, and to everyone else whose taken the time to mention the collection on Facebook and Twitter. I really can't tell you how grateful I am for that support. And lastly, just a reminder, because I've been asked (ok, by my Grandma, but still...) that even if you don't have a Kindle you can still read Crosss-Eyed on a Kindle app on your iPad or iPhone, or get it on your computer desktop, and since for the next few days it's free, you might as well, right?

Anyway, thanks again for all your support. I am super excited to have something out there for you guys. I really do hope you enjoy it as much as you would a moist piece of pumpkin pie with whipped cream on top. Try it out, I would love to know what you think :)

And dang I'm hungry.

Sarah Allen


  1. Yay! Congrats on the release. I'll have to go over and download now.

  2. Congratulations! I'm off to check it out.... :)

  3. I've already got my copy, and I plan to have some time later in the week to read it. I might even have a hot chocolate with the pie too :-)

  4. That is one great argument! Well said :)

  5. I should have said FIVE great arguments :)

  6. Congratulations on the release! And I love your list of reasons! :)

  7. Congratulations!! Love how your short story collection is better than pie. And now I want both. ;)

  8. Congratulations! And such a clever way to advertise! Yes, I was hungry by the end, since I am a pie maker. Good luck with sales and spreading reputation!!

  9. That was funny, especially the last one!
    Happy to help you spread the word. I have my copy.


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