From Sarah, With Joy

*Poet * Author * Wanderluster*


Monday, July 15, 2013

5 Characters With Their Pets

Sometimes it's our relationships with our animals that say the most about us. That includes our characters. Here are five characters with a unique variety of pets. See if you can get any ideas from them.

Could you use any of these in a story? Which is your favorite?


  1. I love the lion one. Reminds me of Narnia :-)

  2. Okay, the lion? Scares me.

    i like all of them, but especially the man with the golden retriever in his lap. So much trust in that picture - in all of them, really, but that tugs at my heartstrings the most.

  3. I'd like to know the real story behind the lion!
    And that is the biggest Irish Wolfhound I have ever seen.

  4. What a great idea for a post. And what amazing photos you've found. I love the last one, too -- even though last night I had my big dog on my lap, trembling (thanks to the fire alarm going off).

  5. I love the elephant!

    Pets can be key characters if they're done right. For example, Hedwig :)

  6. Oh, I love those pictures! I'm writing a new manuscript - a chapter book - and the boy's dog sleeps on the boy's pillow at night.

  7. I thought of Narnia with the lion, but my favourite is the little hedgehog he is so cute.

  8. Lovely! I would love to read a story combining all!



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