From Sarah, With Joy

*Poet * Author * Wanderluster*


Thursday, May 2, 2013

Today and today and today

So the A-Z is done, and we had fun, right? So much fun. I actually like having letters guiding me as I decide what to write about. Otherwise it can end up being nebulous and vague.

But I'm going with that today. Nebulous and vague.

I am not a morning person.

I wish I was doing better at getting words down on my new novel. But I am about half-way done now, and it is coming. Slowly but surely. I hope I'll have a first draft done by...August?

I have been watching too much Criminal Minds. When I do I go to bed scared. But how can you resist Mandy Patinkin? I mean really?

Just keep going. That is what my life has been, and I suppose that's okay, that it's how life has to be for a while, in your twenties. I'm writing and building up my platform and writing more and submitting to contests and querying and writing more and I am going to be whiny and self-indulgent and say that I hope it starts paying off soon. I love doing all of it. I really do. I love writing, obviously, but also tweeting and blogging and querying. All of it makes me so happy. It'll be so nice when I can do that full time.

I am currently reading Jennifer Donnelly's Revolution. I have never had the same mixture of annoyance and fascination as I do with this book. The main character, Andi, is so angsty and entitled and repetitive and everyone around her is so incredibly melodramatic. a way its working? The story is so fabulous and engrossing and that story meshes with the melodrama and angst in a way that makes the melodrama and angst feel like they're moving forward, which makes them bearable and actually completely intriguing. Andi is not my favorite type of character, but I am having a really good and interesting time watching her walk around Paris.

One day an agent will want me. One day. I am so ready for that day.

Well, another 1000 words.

Sarah Allen


  1. Sarah, I've nominated you for the Liebster Award - check out the details:

  2. Sarah-- it's interesting to see the thought processes you are going through with writing this book. I really don't like angsty main characters, especially if there isn't problem-solving. Kind of gets on my nerves. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Sarah, sorry I haven't been by in a while but if you have read and of my recent A-Z posts you know why.

    Glad things are going well and you are enjoying all you are doing...that is what you twenties are for :)

    BYW...MP has not been on Criminal Minds for a few years now, are you just getting started on the series? I have loved this show since day one and one of the episodes was set in Carrollton, TX which is about 10 miles from where I live. Watching it felt eerily like watching the evening news!

  4. Sarah - You write so beautifully, have you ever thought of self-publishing? The world of publishing is changing! I empathize so much with what you wrote, but keep writing and I know good things will happen.

  5. Mornings - bad. If I could I'd stay up until 2 or 3 in the morning and then sleep in. Hang in there with Revolution - I ended up ADORING it.

  6. I'm hoping over from Julie's blog, nice to meet you! It's funny, I'm querying right now, this is the second novel that I've attempted to get representation for and I'm starting to realize something this time. I'm not so desperate to get an agent to want me. I think my book is kick-A and people will like with or without an agent. If someone offers to rep me, I'm going to make sure that someone is someone I WANT to rep me. It's my career and I want to be in charge of it. Believe in yourself and the rest will come easy :)

  7. As they say in Galley Quest -- Never give up, never surrender. Everyone knows that Tim Allen is always right.

    Hang in there. :-)

    Anna from

  8. Just read Julie's blog and want to congratulate you on the new series.

    Sometimes nebulous and vague is good. I enjoy Crimminal Minds too, but wow do they get odd! So many things I now watch with my head bowed, just listening. Don't like the close up gore.

    One day is not to far away. I promise! You write beautifully!

  9. I firmly believe that you can get a home for the story that will be the best for the story. Any no's you might get just means it wasn't meant to be. :-)


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