From Sarah, With Joy

*Poet * Author * Wanderluster*


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

U is for Unarmed

An unarmed writer does not intimately know her characters.

An unarmed writer does not know her target reader.

An unarmed writer has not researched agents before she submits.

An unarmed writer does not read craft books such as Stephen King's On Writing to try and improve herself.

An unarmed writer does not have a library card.

An unarmed writer does not have another project in the works.

An unarmed writer does not carry a notebook and pen with her ALWAYS.

An unarmed writer believes she doesn't have to do any marketing.

An unarmed writer thinks her writing needs no help.

An unarmed writer does not study the career paths of other writers or seek out advice from industry professionals.

An unarmed writer does not consider as many publication opportunities as are available to her.

An unarmed writer only ever reads one genre.

Such a huge arsenal of heavy artillery at our disposal. Let's just make sure we're as armed as possible.

Sarah Allen


  1. I would add that an unarmed writer does not carry a camera.

  2. Excellent, excellent post. I must go back and reread - SO don't want to be that poor unarmed writer!

  3. Oh I like Bob's addition-- I always have my camera with me. I also strongly agree with the library card sentiment!

  4. What if I support gun control? Can I still be an unarmed writer?

  5. I'm loading, and aiming.

  6. An unarmed writer is not observant of the world and people around her.

  7. I have never read that book by Stephen King, and I hardly think I'm unarmed...but, I HAVE been to several writing conferences--I think you ought to add that one to your to-do list. I'll add Stephen King to mine (just for good measure).



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