From Sarah, With Joy

*Poet * Author * Wanderluster*


Monday, December 31, 2012

The Known and Unknown of 2013

As we get ready to go into the new year, I feel a bit like I'm standing in a forest with five or six gates surrounding me, waiting to see which one will open first. Like I've rolled the dice and am waiting to see where it lands.

I could, miraculously, get accepted into one of the 10 graduate schools I've applied to. That means that this year could take me to Texas or Louisiana or Florida or Michigan or Wyoming.

I am looking seriously into applying to Teach for America, as an alternative to graduate school at least for a year. That means I could end up in San Francisco or Las Vegas or New Orleans.

It is quite possible, in fact probable, that neither of those paths will pan out. I've done and will do my utmost to make them work, and I pray that they will. But its also wise to be prepared with alternatives, and who knows what will actually happen?

If neither grad school or Teach for America works out, then everything becomes an option. Do I stay in Virginia? Do I find friends to go with me on an adventure? Where? What do I do about job?

What if I get an agent and a book contract and a book tour in Europe and never have to work again? We can dream, right?

So, anyway. Lots of options. I'm learning to cope with the uncertainty, and trying to prepare for every scenario. There are some decisions that I will just have to make as they come, and that will be okay. It will work out.

It will work out, because there are a few things that are the priority, the dream, the goal, in any of these scenarios. There are a few things that I need to work on every day and if I do then good things will happen, even if its completely unexpected.

Write. Every day. I need to do better at that this coming year. I would love to have another novel and a screenplay at the end of it. Maybe a short story collection. I've been pretty okay about keeping up on submission rotations, but I could be even more aggressive. Another important thing is keeping up here in the cyberverse, learning from smart people, keeping up to date on the latest in the book industry, navigating, marketing, friending.

Whether you're path is pretty secure for the next year, or whether you have no idea what its going to bring, do the important things and I think we'll all be okay. I think this is gonna be a big year.

Here we go!


p.s. So what do y'all think of the new layout? I had fun :)


  1. Wow, the world really is your oyster in 2013 - have a lot of fun, wherever it takes you!!

    Love the new layout :-)

  2. Hope it all turns out well for 2013. Love the layout.

    Moody Writing

  3. Happy New Year! I'll be here to cheer you on, of course.

    Hugs and chocolate,

  4. So many exciting and viable options for you in the coming year. I hope you'll keep us posted on your blog, no matter the path you take. I love life-- it's exciting with its smorgasbord of options (some anticipated, some not). Feast away!

  5. And to add to all the unknown is the dreaded "Fiscal Cliff". Oh joy...but don't let that add to your troubles :) Have a Happy New Year.

  6. I have a feeling that great things are in store for you. Best wishes for your New Year!

  7. I am sure one of those paths will open and make 2013 a fantastic year for you.

    Have a happy New Year and a safe one.


  8. Sarah you inspire me! I can't wait to see what this year brings for you - hopefully it will bring you to see me :)

    My goal for 2013 is to quit worrying that what I write has to be perfect - because that is when I get stuck, quit writing, or wait until I have time to write for a long time and get it right. But this year my goal is to simply write something every day. It doesn't matter that my punctuation or grammar isn't perfect. And I met my goal today!

    Check out my new writing blog -

    Let's make good things happen this year. :)


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