From Sarah, With Joy

*Poet * Author * Wanderluster*


Friday, July 27, 2012

Film Friday: Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-long Blog

It's a little bit hard to talk about Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-long Blog, mostly because there is nothing else even remotely like it. I don't know how familiar y'all are with this, but it's basically a short little 45 minute movie-lette that Joss Whedon put together on basically no budget during the Hollywood writers strike, which is basically already enough for it and Joss Whedon to be considered Totally Awesome in my book. But that's not even taking into account the fact that what they put together is unique, intelligent, and insanely amazing.

There is basically one thing I want to say about Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-long Blog. Yes its a bit of a musical. Yes it's ridiculous, yes its hilarious. Yes Nathan Fillion and Neil Patrick Harris are two of the awesomest people ever. What this mini-movie does so well, though, is use the music, the comedy, the ridiculousness, to get at something much, much deeper.

My creative writing teacher in high-school once said that when you really want to get at the core of something, really describe it, it's kind of like looking at a star. If you try and look at it directly, it gets kind of fuzzy and unfocused. It becomes much more focused and clear if you look slightly off to one side and look at it in your peripheral vision. This is what Dr. Horrible does so brilliantly. The ridiculous humor pulls our vision slightly to one side, and what we really see underneath is one of the best portrayals of the quirky desperately lonely underdog I have ever seen. Thanks to both the writing and to the general awesomeness of Neil Patrick Harris. All the proof you need is in the very last frame.

And lucky for us, it's all on YouTube! Take a moment this weekend and bless your life, if you haven't already. You won't regret it.

Sarah Allen


  1. Good post! Good analogy! You're so cute.


  2. It is amazing, and truly there is nothing else quite like it! That's what makes it so special!

  3. i want to watch this when robyn is home--i have been having some trouble when i use videos and am terrible at fixing things--this sounds like it will be worth the wait :)

  4. A friend sent this to me when only the second episode had been released online and they hadn't finished the third installment yet. It was love at first sight. Well, actually it was "What is this? Who? Wha...? OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS!"

    Anywho, I made all my friends watch it the weekend before classes started that fall semester, and then we basically could quote it at each other. I still can't do a load of laundry without humming "Laundry Day" to myself.

  5. I LOVE this. We watch it every few months at our house. Nathan Fillion, Joss Whedon, and NPK, does it get better than that? Nope.


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