From Sarah, With Joy

*Poet * Author * Wanderluster*


Thursday, May 3, 2012

Marriage, Indianapolis, and Writing Makes Everything Worth It

This week is...well, is there a redder color than red? Because if there is, this week would be it. The reddest red letter week at the Casa de Allen. And so I apologize for being more personal lately; we'll get back to more businessy writing type stuff next week.

I've mentioned this before, but my little sister #2 is getting married on SATURDAY HOLY CRAP!!! and my little sister #1 is going on a mission for the LDS church.

She totally got her mission call to Indianapolis, Indiana and she is totally going to meet John Green!!!!!! Maybe. But yeah!!!!!!!!

Guys, my sisters (and all of my siblings) are so freaking awesome. They are so smart and beautiful and talented and wonderful. My little brother #2 and little sister #3 were in their school play Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat the last couple nights and they are so hilarious and fabulous.

So guys, I have this really bad habit. I've talked about this before, but the thoughts that naturally come to my head are me thinking I'm lame and feeling like I need to apologize for myself. Very bad and unhappiness causing habit, which isn't good especially because I'm a naturally very happy and optimistic person. Then I went to college I made some really awesome friends who thought I was awesome and for the first time in my life I got in the habit of believing in my own awesomeness and that I was at least sort of on par with my awesome siblings. The joke was still that I had no spine, but at least I was growing one. For one reason or another, I feel like lately I've gotten back in the habit of letting those self-deprecating and degrading thoughts stick around. That's going to stop.

Because guys, my sisters and brothers are so amazing. They are so talented and are doing such awesome things. And I am amazing too, and do amazing things like writing novels. And you are all amazing for being you and doing the things you do. And life is amazing and good and wonderful. And really? Writing is amazing because its all about learning and experiencing new things and even when they're hard you can write about them. And that way you connect with more and more people.

Last night little sister #3 said, "Sarah, will you never let me forget that life is good?"

Never, little sister #3. Never.


  1. I used to compare myself to my older sister all the time. She's gorgeous, athletic, and an all around nice person. It's taken me a long to realize that I am not my sister and that I have my own "awesomeness" that I should be extremely proud of.

    Thanks for the reminder :)

  2. Sarah -
    you're MADE of awesome.


    And can I just say that I LOVE brothers and sisters who are close? Says a lot about people.

    Very happy.

  3. Oh sibling rivalry. I'm all too familiar with that.

  4. yep, like i told you one of my sisters is perfect--but i have always had this strange confidence---you are talented---you are right to stop those other thoughts---sending good vibes your way:)

  5. You are definitely on par with your siblings. Never feel less than! Sounds like a wonderful family you've got there.

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse, co-host of the 2012 #atozchallenge! Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  6. You are awesome and amazing if only because you see so many positive qualities in other people.

  7. Your siblings sound awesome, and you fit into the bunch. :)

  8. Self talk can be brutal. I find myself doing it too and when I do, tell myself STOP THAT. In the voice my mama used when I was a kid and doing something I shouldn't :)
    Good look. Looking forward to reading your work.

  9. Yeah it's never nice for us to compare. And why would we? Everyone has talents. Not better or worse, just different. :-)

  10. Good luck to little sister #1! My family lives near Indy, and I grew up right in that area. I hope she enjoys it :) If she gets a chance, she should go to the Purdue campus in West Lafayette. Some of my friends are in the ward there, and they are very cool people.


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