From Sarah, With Joy

*Poet * Author * Wanderluster*


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

J is for John Green

So I'm not writing this just because I'm a fan-girl. I mean, I totally am (I just want to give him a hug. Or touch the puff) but John Green seems to be someone who has things figured out. We all worry so much about making a writing career for ourselves with grace and awesomeness and he's someone who has done it. Basically he's someone who's example we could do worse than to follow.

Here are some lessons from the life of John Green:

1. Create good work. It really just comes down to that basic thing. We're in this because we care about putting beauty into the world. The work and study and practice that it takes makes more sense when we have that in mind. And dang John Green's work is beautiful.

2. The power of collaboration. And I'm not just talking about the vlog with Hank, although that is a major one, and very very awesome. I think that's where it started, but look at all the other stuff too, like CrashCourse with a bunch of cool people, or making a Kiva group also with a bunch of awesome people, or all those cool projects in collaboration with cool nerdfighters. Working with talented cool people can bring about some great stuff.

3. Be yourself and be it a lot. I think that has been the key to John Green's internet success, in a way. He did the videos as himself, how he wanted to do them, because he thought it would be cool. Not just that, but he also uses Facebook and Twitter and Tumblr. He's done the work of putting himself out there.

4. It helps to be a nice person. What's not to like about John Green? He's smart and funny but also just a nice guy, not someone fans have to be afraid is going to treat them badly. I know he said in an interview that he has that dark snarky author side of him like Peter Van Houten from TFiOS, but he hasn't given in to it and that's what counts.

5. Marry someone named Sarah. That's actually the true key to all of his success.

Anyway, if you haven't read anything by John Green, it's definitely worth your while to do so. It's good, good stuff. Oh, and also...


Sarah Allen
(Photo Credit)


  1. Sarah: I've never heard of John Green. What is his genre?

    1. That makes two of us. But I'm always discovering new books and writers everyday. Any particular recommendations?

  2. John Green is a young adult NY times bestselling writer, who's fame partially comes from doing a vlog on YouTube with his brother Hank called 'Vlogbrothers'. I would highly, highly recommend looking up that channel on YouTube, it's hilarious and wonderful and awesome.

    The other part of his fame comes from writing freaking amazing books.


  3. John Green is on my top 5 favourite authors list. The first book I read from him was An Abundance of Katherine's, and it just blew my mind. The characters he creates are so .... breathtaking. As soon as I finished that book, I went and bought all of his others. He is such an inspiration to me.

  4. What an awesome blog topic! I love John Green and am wearing my DFTBA T-shirt as I write!

  5. I'll have to look up this John Green who wishes to marry a Sarah. :)


  6. I have his newest book, but I haven't read it, yet. Looking forward to it. I've heard wonderful things about him.

  7. I've never heard of John Green. I have a teenage daughter so I'll have to check him out.

  8. Never heard of him either, but they are very good tips to follow.

  9. Interesting post. I guess #1 is the key one. I'm going to strugle with #5!

  10. I keep hearing amazing things about this book. I wish I could read faster and get through the 50 other books I haven't read on my shelf! Are you a fast reader? I'm such a slow coach. Guess I just have to live with it and do what I can! New follower!

  11. Count me as another who has never heard of John Green, but the advice sounds good.

    A Few Words
    An A to Z Co-host blog

  12. That's a new name for me too - looks like I'm not alone though!

  13. I was all for this list until I got to the end and realized I had to marry someone named Sarah. ;-)

    Visiting from the A-Z Challenge
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  14. I've never read this guy, but like Lee said, the advice sounds okay.

    Thanks, Sarah, for the visit to my blog! Good luck in your writing.

  15. Wasn't there a show called the John Green show? Or is that a different Green? It was sort of Jon Stewar-esque.


    I will have to inquire into this John fellow of whom you speak.

    Blog on.

  16. Sarah, you have a gift...I actually enjoyed a post that I completely did not understand or identify with. Well done!

  17. We can't all marry someone named Sarah so I'll try to follow the other four pieces of advice.

  18. I don't think I'll be marrying someone named Sarah. I'm probably setting myself up for failure :P

  19. One of my absolute favorites! I remember reading "Paper Towns" and thinking, "I need to give up this writing thing" because there was NO WAY I could ever write anything so awesome. Then its awesomeness inspired me to keep writing. That is the magic of John Green.

  20. He sounds like someone I'd like to know! Thanks for also reminding me "Don't Forget To Be Awesome!" Something tells me you already are! Julie

  21. It's only been a year that I've known about John Green's books, but now that I've read them all I can vouch he's one of the best. YA or not, he tells a great story from a teen perspective. The Fault in our Stars actually made me cry - more than once - and I am not a crier at books.


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