From Sarah, With Joy

*Poet * Author * Wanderluster*


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Creative satisfaction in the betweens

I feel so incredibly in limbo right now. In every aspect of my life. Including and especially the artistic/creative part of my life. I've finished one novel, basically, but haven't gotten quite to the putting it out into the world phase yet, and the next novel is still in the fuzzy brainstorming stages and being quite stubborn about not wanting to leave it. So yes, limbo is the right word, though I'm still trying to work and push forward.

But the limboness has gotten me thinking; what kinds of things can we writerly artsy people do when one project hasn't sold and the next hasn't started? For me at least, the satisfaction comes in either putting something out in the world, which is sort of the 'end', or in the creation of something brand new and lovely, which is the 'beginning.' When neither of those is happening at the moment, are there ways to keep feeling rewarded to make the going a little easier?

I suppose that means doing the publication or creation thing on a smaller scale. Maybe we're not writing the new novel yet, but we can work on short stories or poetry. There are always random artsy things to try out too, like writing music or making movies or experimenting with photography.

What about the publication side? Are there ways to give ourselves mini-publication rewards in between the big times? If that even makes sense. I've mentioned before that I'm working on a short story collection that I plan to indie publish, right now I'm mostly waiting on hearing back from the magazines where the stories are currently submitted. That's kind of the thing I'm talking about. Part of me thinks I would feel better about this limbo period if I had that littler project to work with. Hopefully soon?

And I think I do want to try the video, music, photography thing, see what I can come up with.

What do you think? What mini-projects or general life things do you do to keep yourself motivated and feeling good between the big things?

Sarah Allen


  1. Congratulations on finishing your novel. I love that feeling of seeing a project completed.

    Everything I've had published has had big gaps between them, so I don't need to fill the void because I'm used to it :-)

  2. I think little side projects are good for the soul. Plus,with a blog you have an excellent platform for showing those things.

    Moody Writing
    The Funnily Enough

  3. Congrats on your novel. Things to keep me going - blogging, reading, and yoga!

  4. Totally in the same boat. I'm putting a lot of focus right now on my blog and my next novel, trying to keep my thoughts off the MS that's sitting with my dev editor for another two weeks. But what I'm missing is that "fire" I felt when plugging along on my first novel, driven to get to the end goal. At this point, like you're probably feeling, we're so close we can taste it...but what to do until then? Find ways to not go crazy from the anticipation... :)

    Anna Soliveres

  5. Never actually having 'finished' anything, I don't tend to have this problem :-)

  6. Between writing projects, when I'm not busy with uni work and music, I doodle, and paint, and knit, and play with ideas for other stories. I don't do short fiction, simply because I don't know how!

  7. I am right there with you... in limbo. I, too, am waiting on feedback from a few magazines and journals that I've submitted to. I also find that taking creative writing classes helps me stay focused and get the feedback that I so crave. We just have to hang in there and never lose sight of our dreams. Many blessings!

  8. I am right there with you... in limbo. I, too, am waiting on feedback from a few magazines and journals that I've submitted to. I also find that taking creative writing classes helps me stay focused and get the feedback that I so crave. We just have to hang in there and never lose sight of our dreams. Many blessings!

  9. Short stories have been a blessing for me. When I'm sort of stuck they are my go to project for sure!

  10. At the moment, my little side project is creating personal business cards for myself.

    I think once I get that done, I should be able to start writing again.


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