From Sarah, With Joy

*Poet * Author * Wanderluster*


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Made Easy, Part 3: Oh the weather outside is frightful

So look for the beauty in the ice...

Or find a little sunshine in the backyard...

And most of all, don't forget to sing!

Sarah Allen

P.S. Why yes, I did take those pictures myself. I'm letting myself think it took more than just dumb luck.

Also, don't forget the $15 Amazon gift-card easy-peasy Christmas giveaway going on here at the bloggy blog. There's only two days left, don't miss out!


  1. Love those pictures, especially the deer. How beautiful.

  2. Gorgeous photography! Makes winter seem inviting. Happy holidays!

  3. Beautiful pictures! Were the deer actually in your backyard. Merry Christmas!

  4. Lovely snow picture. Except for Snowtober, the NYC area has been surprisingly warm. We've had almost no snow.

  5. Aren't they adorable? I felt very lucky.



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