From Sarah, With Joy

*Poet * Author * Wanderluster*


Saturday, April 30, 2011

Z is for Zoinks

We did it! We're at the last day of the A-Z challenge. For new challenge followers, welcome and thank you, thank you. I hope to keep things just as busy and updated here, so keep checking back. For longer term followers, thanks to you too, and I hope you found the A-Z theme helpful and valuable.

There are two reasons I picked Zoinks. First, when someone says zoinks, you know exactly who they're referring too. Having clear, defined, unique and memorable characters like Shaggy will help our story live on in the minds of readers long after they turn the last page. The other reason is that its important to have things that make your readers go ZOINKS! Whether its a King-ian gutter monster clown thing, a shocking plot twist, or a really great kiss, (or maybe all three? hmmm...)give your readers scenes to remember.

I just finished watching Grumpy Old Men with Jack Lemon and Walter Mathau, so I'm in a pretty happy mood :) Talk about Zoinks moments. If you've seen that movie, there's definitely a zoinks moment in the middle. So cool. Anyway, hope you're all having a good weekend and hope the writing is coming along wonderfully!

Sarah Allen


  1. Zoinks, thanks it helps a little. Might be using that word alot today after my nervous breakdown, the one in which I kill the man outside with the chainsaw! Oops, joinks...ha ha

  2. Zoinks. Congrats on completing the A-Z Challenge! Super fun.

  3. Zoinks. Congrats on completing the A-Z Challenge! Super fun.

  4. Great word choice! Love it. Can't believe it is finally over. I'm sad but tired.

  5. Love your word choice. Scooby rocks. Congrats on finishing the challenge.

  6. z all you can z... it's over and we all made it!
    A to Z Blog Challenge Participant
    Jeremy [iZombie]

  7. Ha ha, love your choice for Z. Scooby is awesome!

    Congratulations on making it to the end, it's been a great experience for sure. Have a wonderful weekend!

  8. I thought I would just zip in here to say well done.

  9. Sarah, we did it! Congratulations! I have an award for you!!

  10. I love Scooby Doo! Congrats on finishing the challenge!

  11. Scooby Doo was one of my favorite shows growing up. Thanks for popping over to my blog!

  12. Great way to end the challenge!

  13. I plan to keep popping in to read your blog even though the challenge is over!

  14. Great word.
    Thanks for dropping in on thefeatherednest

  15. Congratulations on finishing the challenge! I met you late, but look forward to reading regularly.

  16. You're right! That is success of celebrities such as Lady Gag, famous authors, etc. People love interesting material!

  17. Just slipping under the wire. So glad I found you. I love that word. It reminds me of the made up words many of my characters create to express themselves. Have a great weekend.

  18. Hah, what a great 'Z' word...I totally didn't remember that word until I saw it on your post! It was nice meeting you and a great blog here!
    thanks for stopping by my place and congrats on finishing the challenge; it was a lot of fun!

  19. Congratulations! I'm sorry I didn't get to read your blog but I'm your new follower now. I wish I would have found you sooner..

  20. Hooray!!! I love all the Zoinks on the blogfest. I was expecting more 'Zounds but that's writers for you....


  21. Congratulations on finishing the challenge! Zoinks is a great word :-) I look forward to reading more of your blog in May!

  22. Hi Sarah,

    Wow! What a great site you have here. I'm your newest follower, btw. I grew up in Eugene and most of my most valuable peeps still live there. You'll love it, except for the rain part, coming from Utah.

    Thanks so much for stopping by to visit!

    Kathy M.

  23. I love Scooby Doo! I can just hear him saying Zoinks in his very distinctive voice.

    So glad I completed the A to Z Challenge since it meant I got to meet a lot of great people!

  24. Having never watched Scooby Doo, I'm not familiar with ZOINKS! Thanks for filling me in. And thanks for your comment and visit to my blog. Great to meet you!


  25. (= Cute.
    I aspire to the Zoinks moment is all my WIPS!

  26. I use FB, twitter, digg, delicious, reddit, and stumble upon. Twitter is the best i think.

  27. Thanks for ur comment dear.

    I have seen ur posts for A-Z blogging. Could read from Z to V.
    U are a pretty interesting writer.

    Keep posting


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