From Sarah, With Joy

*Poet * Author * Wanderluster*


Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year for Writing

Happy New Year everyone! This year is going to be a pretty big year for me. I graduated in December, so there are some pretty important steps I'm taking this year: I'm officially moving out on my own. I've been in my own apartment in Provo while I go to BYU, but when I move it will be the first time I'm really away from my family. I'll be getting a real job. Hopefully, considering the economy. I've been working for a professor at BYU part-time, but I'll be doing whatever I can to find a good full-time job to support my writing habit. And last but not least, I'll be getting ready to apply to graduate school. My plan is to move to Eugene, Oregon, because my top choice for graduate school is the University of Oregon. Its number 8 in the nation, studio based two year program that provides teaching positions and graduate tuition wavers. Exactly what I want. I also plan on applying for the University of Wyoming and Washington University in St. Louis for the same reasons. I will apply to these programs a year from now. The University of Oregon had over 720 applicants last year and accepts 12, so my chances are next to nothing, but I have and will have a writing sample that I am proud of and a willingness to work hard and learn fast. So if I don't get accepted, which I almost definitely won't, that only means I work on writing on my own and apply again next year. That is the plan, anyway. Thank you for indulging my personal spiel of a post, but I hope you can get understanding or at least a sense of kindred struggles from my personal writerly journey.

What are your writing goals for the new year? I plan on applying for the MFA programs like I said, and working on creating new pieces and carefully editing existing ones in preparation for that. I also have a novel thats almost ready to advance from the planning stages and I plan to finish that this year, hopefully as soon as this summer. We'll see how that goes.

Again, I'd love to know what your writing goals are for the year, if you have any. If you don't but want ideas, here are some:
-Set a certain daily word count (1000 is a good rule of thumb)
-Write a certain number of short stories or poems
-Submit to a certain number of magazines
-Submit your novel to a certain number of agents/editors
-Finish existing projects
-Start an online marketing campaign

I hope this can be of some use to you all. Make 2011 your best writing year yet. I don't mean that in a pep-talky kind of way, I mean it in a you really can do it if you work your butt off and sometimes it will be incredibly difficult but if you stick with it you really can accomplish what you want to kind of way. Go for it, even if its scary, and I hope you let me know about all your wins, misses and other adventures in writing.


  1. Congratulations,Sarah!For 3 years,I've been wanting to attend Creative Writing or Scriptwriting Workshop at the University of the Philippines but there's just too much school stuff and workload on my plate.Hopefully,this summer.Okay,I promise this year,I'd do it...And besides if the Mayans were correct,I wouldn't have a chance to enroll in any workshop by 2012.Haha

    You're an inspiration!:D

  2. Thank you so, so much for the kind words :-) Way to go! I know you can do it, we can do it, if we work hard enough. Yay for writing :-)

  3. I posted my writing goals over here on my blog, but mainly I want to write and read more. Nothing as exciting as seeking publication yet, but I've only been seriously writing for a year. I'm off to a good start since I have read and written a review of a book for a new series on my blog that will be put up tomorrow. Now I just need the rest of my library reservations to wing their way to me!

    Good luck with all your writing goals!
    - Sophia.

  4. Thanks so much for your note on my blog, and good luck to you!

  5. Sophia, any goals are great! Keep it up!

    Hee hee, Sharon Creech commented on my blog... :-) *smiling inside and out*


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