From Sarah, With Joy

*Poet * Author * Wanderluster*


Sunday, December 6, 2009

What every writer should have in their car

In todays crazy busy world, we spend a huge amount of time on the road. To help make the most of that time, here are some ideas of what creative writers and other artists should always keep in their car:

-Notebook. You should have this with you wherever you are.

-Audiobook. Keep a couple in the car for those times when you'll be in there for a while.

-Cigarette lighter adapter for your laptop. For those times when your stuck in the car for a while and someone else is driving. Then you don't have to worry about your laptop battery running out.

-Business cards/bookmarks. Make a goal to give out five a day. I've even heard of people sticking them inside books at the bookstore.

-Copy of your portfolio/book. Letting someone hold in their hands a book with your name on it has a much bigger impact then just saying your a writer. Keep copies of your book with you to sell, market, or occasionally give away. And keep copies of your short work too, poetry and short stories. You never know when you'll meet a magazine editor or publisher who wants to take a look at it.

-Bumper sticker. Ok, so this is to keep on your car, but you may as well use your vehicle as a marketing device.

Hope this helps. What other things do you writers keep in your car as a useful tool?

Sarah Allen


  1. I like to have a CD of inspiring music to listen to because when I drive I do a lot of brainstorming for the second novel I am writing. I can picture the scenes in my head with the music playing and I create new ones. It then makes it easier to tranfer them to my computer or on paper.


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