From Sarah, With Joy

*Poet * Author * Wanderluster*


Saturday, May 16, 2020

Dear Airplanes

Dear Airplanes,

Sky cotton washed in
light, beaming the way your wings
and my soul tip up.

From Sarah, with joy

Recommended Read: A Wish In the Dark, by Christine Soontornvat

Monday, April 20, 2020

Dear St. Paul's Cathedral

Dear St. Paul's

So Christopher Wren,
you've built quite a grand mess hall
for souls and pigeons.

From Sarah, with joy

Writing Lesson from St. Paul's:

Like Christopher Wren, take a classic model and put your own twist on it, or take two classic forms and mash them together!

Recommended Read: My Life as a Potato by Arianne Costner

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Dear Scotland

Dear Scotland

Aorta for pipes,
play me atop the bone crisp
hills. The music's here.

From Sarah, with joy

Recommended Read: Coo, by Kaela Noel